In this post I’m going to show you how to upload a file using Angular.js on the client side and Asp WebApi on the back end.
Lets get started
Create you project in visual studio, and add your angular.js app controllers etc.
Interestingly enough I’ve already shown you how to do the server side over 2 years ago!
Crikey 2 years and I’m still writing about the same old stuff….. well not really, last time it was knockout, sliverlight and the likes, now it’s Angular.js’ turn.
Angular file upload, Nuget
In order to facilitate the process, we’re going to use a nuget package I like, see screenshot.
The beauty of this package is that its got shims for non html5 browsers (apparently there are a few hanging around still :-( )
To use this package you’ll need to include 2 scripts, file-upload-shim before angular.js and file-upload after.
Script Includes
Next add the input tag and add the ng-file-select directive
Add the upload module
Here i added the $upload factory to my controller
Controller function
Here I enumerate the files (should i wish to have multi select) then I upload each one by posting to my Web Api .net controller, I pass a little more information also as to the diff side, but that’s pretty much it.
Now even though I did show you the .net code before I’m going to show it again now, because as I mentioned I’m passing a little information as to the side the file I’m uploading represents.